Hello, Friends!

Thank you for visiting oolamay.com. 

I'm Allison, a wife and mom first and foremost to a very creative and artsy teen girl; an active, sporty pre-teen boy and an anxious but super snuggly and loving fur baby, Annie.  They are my biggest cheerleaders.


Two and a half years ago, my husband and I moved our family to Stratford, PEI. We were living in Cambridge, ON for 17 years and raised our kids there.  We made amazing lifelong friends that we will cherish forever.

In July 2020 (during the pandemic) we took the wheel of life and turned it in a new direction.  All of our family lives in the Maritimes and both my husband and I are Maritimers at heart, having grown up in NB and NS.  Looking ahead at the open road, PEI was the destination that made us excited to drive towards it.  We saw new possibilities and changes we could make to our life that were important to some of our dreams.

We had no idea what would come next as with most things in life (and during a pandemic).  When you reflect back, each detour in life, as difficult as it can be at times, teaches you more about who you are and where you want to go to make the years ahead more meaningful.

So here I am, following a big dream of mine and passion, to be an entrepreneur and own my own boutique.  I am very new at this, learning as I go and making loads of mistakes along the way.  The ironic thing is, I am a big believer that we don't need more things, and yet I have a retail store??!!  I do believe that there's merit in investing in timeless pieces that are versatile, high-quality staples that you can buy once and own for many years.

I know time is a valuable asset and I hope oolamay will be that solution for you to save you a bit of time and headache from sifting through multiple stores and locations. I am working hard at curating a selection of classic/timeless pieces that are both great quality and at reasonable price points.  Things that mix and match well together to make it super simple and easy to pull together a great gift for a friend or update a space in your home or your wardrobe. 

I hope you will reach out to me if you're in need of help pulling it together.  I ship Canada-wide.  I also provide local pick-up and delivery options and will ensure your items are packaged ready for gifting!

Thanks for being here.  I have lots in store for oolamay in the days and months ahead and I hope you will follow along with me on this journey.  Little by little, one walks far.  

 xo -Allison


Meaning behind OOLAMAY:   

We were inspired to name our store OOLAMAY because it has that springtime VIBE.  May is always the time of year when you finally feel a bit of warmth and a sense of rejuvenation and new beginnings.  It puts you in the mindspace for a refresh and update to your decor and wardrobe.  OOLA is just a fun play on wow! and excitement.  We hope to inspire you and bring that “drop dead, you can’t miss this” fun to everything we offer.