Need help styling a shelf or built-in?

Need help styling a shelf or built-in?

How many of you need help with styling a shelf or built-in? 

We know how overwhelming it can feel when you don’t know where to start.  Here are a few simple steps you can follow to get started on your way to a beautiful shelfie…
Start by removing everything from the shelves so that you have a clean canvas.  
Pick a couple of large items like a piece of art, a vase that you love or a basket with some texture and use it as your  starting point.  It will instantly add substance to your shelf and a theme from which you can work around.  Always stagger them so that they are not right next to each other.
Next, find small and medium-size objects that work together and have similar elements.  Making groupings of objects that complement each other will help frame it for you.   Personal items like family photos, mini succulents or plants that you adore, and keepsakes you love will bring life to your design.
It’s always nice to splurge and add a decor item with some substance and weight, like our marble bird or some marble links and pair it with stacked books to create a layered, dimensional look.  Visual weight and layering will give your shelf an elevated classy look and feel.
Most importantly, have fun and be adventurous.  Look around your home and work with what you have.  Don’t be afraid to mix and match texture, pattern and layer to add visual interest.  Now go forth and conquer that shelfie!